
這些極端的事情不是必須要的——但卻可能發生(not necessary---but could occur)。
你是否想像未來是「可預測的」(predictable)——即使是神?我告訴你們:你們的未來是「可創造的」(creatable)。按照你們想要的樣子,去創造你們的未來(Create it as you want it.)。
尼爾:但你先前說過,在時間真正的本質裡並沒有「未來」;所有的事情都發生在「即刻的瞬間」(Instant Moment)——「永恆的此刻」(the Forever Moment of Now)。

你想要這些事情發生嗎?(Do you want these things to happen?)
尼爾:當然不要。但是你說過(本書第5章,也在第三部第3章和第6章),一切將要發生的都業已發生——並正在發生(everything that's going to happen already has happened---is happening now)。

你們對我的概念和想法!你們「對它的一切想法和意念」使它改變——當下地改變。(Your idea about Me! Your thought about all of it is what makes it change---instantly.)
依思想的力量而定,有時候這一切萬有(the All)的變是那麼細微,幾乎難以覺察。但是當有一個強烈的意念——或集體意念——則會發生巨大的衝擊,造成難以置信的影響作用。
一切皆改變。(Everything changes.)
你們決定。記住,你們現在正在選擇你們的實相。(You decide. Remember, you are choosing your reality now.)
摘自《與神對話 II》第19章

Neale: Will it take a worldwide calamity, a disaster of gargantuan proportions, as some have suggested? Must the Earth tilt on its axis, be hit by a meteor, swallow its continents whole, before its people will listen? Must we be visited by beings from outer space and scared out of our minds before having sufficient sight to realize that we are all One? Is it required that we all face the threat of death before we can be galvanized to find a new way to live?
Such drastic events are not necessary—but could occur.
Neale: Will they occur?
DO you imagine that the future is predictable—even by God? I tell you this: Your future is creatable. Create it as you want it.
Neale: But earlier You said that in the true nature of time there is no "future"; that all things are happening in the Instant Moment— the Forever Moment of Now.
That is true.
Neale: Well, are there earthquakes and floods and meteors hitting the planet "right now" or aren't there? Don't tell me that as God You don't know.
Do you want these things to happen?
Neale: Of course not. But You said everything that's going to happen already has happened—is happening now.
That is true. But the Eternal Moment of Now is also forever changing. It is like a mosaic—one that is always there, but constantly shifting. You can't blink, because it will be different when you open your eyes again. Watch! Look! See? There it goes again!
Neale: What makes You change?
Your idea about Me! Your thought about all of it is what makes It change—instantly.
Sometimes the change in the All is subtle, virtually indiscernible, depending upon the power of the thought. But when there is an intense thought—or a collective thought— then there is tremendous impact incredible effect.
Everything changes.
Neale: So—will there be the kind of major, Earth-wide calamity You speak of?
I don't know. Will there?
You decide. Remember, you are choosing your reality now.