
我要告訴你們我真正是誰,而非你們在神話中所說的我是誰。我要以這樣的方式來描述我所是的本質狀態(My Beingness),以讓你們會很樂於用宇宙論——宇宙真實運作的宇宙論,以及宇宙與我的關係——來取代你們的神話。我要讓你們了解有關生命、人生與生活(life)是如何在運作,以及為何生命以它運作的方式在運作。這章所談的都是有關這些事。
當你們理解了這些,你們便能決定,什麼是你們人類所創造的事物中你們會想要揚棄的。因為我們談話的這第三部分——這第三本書(與神對話 III)——就是談建立一個新的世界,創造一個新的實相。
你們已經生活在一個「你們自設的監獄」中太長久了,我的孩子們。現在是你們讓自己自由的時候了(It is time to set yourself free.)。
你們已把你們的五種自然情緒(five natural emotions)監禁了,你們在壓抑它們,把它們轉變為非常不自然的情緒,因而把不快樂、死亡與破壞,帶進了你們的世界。

事實上,你們已把你們的神聖本我囚禁了(you have imprisoned your Holy Self)。而現在是你們讓真正的自己自由的時候了(It is time to set your Self free.)。

Neale: What does the past have to do with the future?
When you know about the past, you can better know about all your possible futures. You have come to Me asking how to make your life work better. It will be useful for you to know how you got to where you are today.
I would speak to you of power, and of strength—and the difference between the two. And I would chat with you about this Satan figure you have invented, how and why you invented him, and how you decided that your God was a "He," and not a "She."
I would speak to you of Who I Really Am, rather than who you have said I am in your mythologies. I would describe to you My Beingness in such a way that you will gladly replace the mythology with the cosmology—the true cosmology of the universe, and its relationship to Me. I would have you know about life, how it works, and why it works the way it works. This chapter is about all those things.
When you know those things, then you can decide what you wish to discard of that which your race has created. For this third portion of our conversation, this third book, is about building a newer world, creating a new reality.
You have been living too long, My children, in a prison of your own devise. It is time to set yourself free.
You have imprisoned your five natural emotions, repressing them and turning them into very unnatural emotions, which have brought unhappiness, death, and destruction to your world.
The model of behavior for centuries on this planet has been: do not "indulge" your emotions. If you're feeling grief, get over it; if you're feeling angry, stuff it; if you're feeling envious, be ashamed of it; if you're feel ing fear, rise above it; if you're feeling love, control it, limit it, wait with it, run from it—do whatever you have to do to stop from expressing it, full out, right here, right now.
It is time to set yourself free.
In truth, you have imprisoned your Holy Self. And it is time to set your Self free.