宇宙法則(The Laws of the Universe)是我設下的法則。它們是完美的律法,創造出物質運作的完美功能。
你看過任何比一片雪花更完美的東西嗎?它的錯綜複雜,它的結構設計、它的對稱、它與自己的一致性,以及它與所有其他雪花不同的獨創性 ——全都是個神祕難解的東西——是你們對這大自然所展示之令人敬畏的奇蹟,會發出的讚嘆。
然而,如果單單在一片雪花上我就能做出這些,你認為我對宇宙能做出的 ——並已經做的—— 會是什麼呢 ?
就算你能夠從最大的天體到最小的微粒中看出其對稱性、其設計的完美,你也無法在你的實相裡掌握它的真相(hold the truth of it in your reality)。縱使到現在,在你已略見了數瞥之後,你仍然無法想像或瞭解它的涵意。然而,你可能知道它的確是有一些涵意——遠比你目前的理解力能接受的更為複雜和殊勝的含義——存在。
你們的莎士比亞說得好:在天堂和地球上,有遠比你們的哲學所能夢想到的,還更多的東西。(There are more things in Heaven and Earth, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.)
摘自《與神對話 I 》第1章

The Laws of the Universe are laws that I laid down. They are perfect laws, creating perfect function of the physical.
Have you ever seen anything more perfect than a snowflake? Its intricacy, its design, its symmetry, its conformity to itself and originality from all else—all are a mystery. You wonder at the miracle of this awesome display of Nature.
Yet if I can do this with a single snowflake, what think you I can do—have done —with the universe?
Were you to see the symmetry of it, the perfection of its design—from the largest body to the smallest particle—you would not be able to hold the truth of it in your reality. Even now, as you get glimpses of it, you cannot yet imagine or understand its implications. Yet you can know there are implications—far more complex and far more extraordinary than your present comprehension can embrace.
Your Shakespeare said it wonderfully: There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.