
瀏覽人數 36



實際上,當大多數人看到那些「你們選擇帶頭示範的人真的是多麼容易做到」的時候,你們整個社會就會改變。我剛才說,「自我選擇」幫助喚醒人類的目標,不是宣布自己成為一個帶領者,而是成為一個「已被自己深刻的內在知曉(inner knowing)帶領向另一種人類可活出的方式」的人。
摘自《與神對話 4》第19章
Neale: But as I said earlier, how would we earn a living if everybody shared everything with everyone, and every definition of "profit" had to include benefit for everyone?
The experience of living is not something that one should have to "earn". Life is a gift, given to all of you, and it is not something you should have to make yourself worthy of every day of your existence.
A system could easily be devised by any civilization that would allow society to fulfil individual and group needs without the members of that society having to sell their soul and abandon their dreams in order to survive.
Neale: I hear that. There must be a way to create a social system in which everyone contributes more or less equal energy and everyone benefits more or less equally, with no one having to live a bare bones existence, and no one having to let go of any hope to do something they really love in this life in order to stay alive. Until our whole society changes, it's not going to be easy to create this, I guess.
Actually, your whole society will change when the majority sees how easy it really is for those of you who choose to lead the way. I said earlier that the object of self-selecting to help awaken the species was not to declare yourself to be a leader, but rather, one who  has  been led, by a deep inner knowing, to another way to  be human.
Remember always that a "leader" is not one who says, "Follow me." A leader is one who says, "I'll go first."
You can't change overnight the way your Earthly societies function, but you can individually demonstrate and model the foundational qualities of an awakened species immediately – by going first.


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