當你們(在身心靈三面向上)的選擇互相衝突——當身、心、靈不是一致地運作(body, mind and spirit are not acting as one)時——「創造過程」就各自在各自的層次同時運作,產生錯雜的結果。如果你身心靈三面向是和諧的,你的選擇是一致的,令人驚奇的事物會發生。
你們的年輕人有一句話:「全都到位」——可以用來形容這合一的狀態(“having it all together”---which could be used to describe this unified state of being)。
在你們做決定的層次中,還有不同的層面。在心智的層次(at the level of mind)尤其如此。
而在情緒這個層面中,又有五個層面。這即是五種自然情緒(the five natural emotions):「悲傷」、「憤怒」、「羨妒」、「恐懼」和「愛」。
事實上,愛是所有的一切(In truth, love is all there is.)。即使恐懼,也是愛的衍生物,而當恐懼被運用得當時,會表達出愛。(Even fear is an outgrowth of love, and when used effectively, expresses love.)
When your choices conflict—when body, mind, and spirit are not acting as one—the process of creation works at all levels, producing mixed results. If, on the other hand, your being is in harmony, and your choices are unified, astonishing things can occur.
Your young people have a phrase—"having it all together"—which could be used to describe this unified state of being.
There are also levels within levels in your decision making. This is particularly true at the level of the mind.
Your mind can, and does, make decisions and choices from one of at least three interior levels: logic, intuition, emotion—and sometimes from all three— producing the potential for even more inner conflict. And within one of those levels—emotion— there are five more levels. These are the five natural emotions: grief, anger, envy, fear, and love.
And within these, also, there are two final levels: love and fear.
The five natural emotions include love and fear, yet love and fear are the basis of all emotions. The other three of the five natural emotions are outgrowths of these two.
Ultimately, all thoughts are sponsored by love or fear. This is the great polarity. This is the primal duality. Everything, ultimately, breaks down to one of these. All thoughts, ideas, concepts, understandings, decisions, choices, and actions are based in one of these:
And, in the end, there is really only one.
In truth, love is all there is. Even fear is an outgrowth of love, and when used effectively, expresses love.