情緒是「在運行移動的能量」 (energy in motion)。
靜觀 (Meditation)是提升「總是呈現在你身體裡的生命能量」的另一種方法。

情緒是「被你選擇」的經驗,而不是「你必須受制於它」的經驗 (Emotions are experiences that are chosen, not experiences to which you are subjected.) 。這並不是個大部分人都能懂的事。

Emotion is, simply, energy in motion.
You can take this energy and give it a pro-motion, or a demotion.
When you demote this energy—that is, move it to the lowest level—you produce a negative emotion. When you promote it—that is, move it to the highest level—you produce a positive emotion.
Exhilarating exercise of your physical body is one way to promote, or raise up, your energy. You literally increase the vibration of this ki energy, which turns it into a positive emotion that is expressed through you.
Meditation is another way to raise the energy of Life that is always present in your body.
The combination of exercise and meditation is extremely powerful. When this combination becomes part of your spiritual discipline, you create possibilities for enormous growth.
Using this combination reminds you that you can control, and therefore experience as you choose, both your body and your emotions. For many—indeed, for most—this is a startling remembrance.
Emotions are experiences that are chosen, not experiences to which you are subjected. This is not something that is widely understood.