在這方面,就像所有其他「會真正影響你們在地球上的生活品形式和質」的重要事情一樣,有一種模式是顯而易見的。那就是你們杜撰了一句說詞,完美地回答了這問題:「唯利是圖」(follow the money trail)。
很簡單。廢除金錢(貨幣)制度。(Eliminate money.)
是的。或至少必須:廢除它的隱藏性(eliminate its invisibility)。
摘自《與神對話 II 》第16章
Neale: Why do we not listen to our environmentalists? Why do we not heed their warnings?
In this, as in all really important matters affecting the quality and style of life on your planet, there is a pattern which is easily discernable. You have coined a phrase in your world which answers the question perfectly. "Follow the money trail."
Neale: How can we ever begin to hope to solve these problems when fighting something as massive and insidious as that?
Simple. Eliminate money.
Neale: Eliminate money?
Yes. Or at the very least, eliminate its invisibility.
Neale: I don't understand.
Most people hide the things they are ashamed of or don't want other people to know about. That is why the largest number of you hide your sexuality, and that is why nearly all of you hide your money. That is to say, you are not open about it. You consider your money to be a very private matter. And therein lies the problem.
If everyone knew everything about everybody's money situation, there would be an uprising in your country and on your planet, the likes of which you have never seen. And in the aftermath of that there would be fairness and equity, honesty and true for-the-good-of-all priority in the conduct of human affairs.
It is now not possible to bring fairness or equity, honesty, or the common good to the marketplace because money is so easy to hide.