如果我與每樣東西都是一體的,當我打蚊子時,我豈不是 也在殺死我自己的一部分嗎?
並沒有可以或不可以,沒有應該或不應該。你可以如你所願 地去做。
每個決定都是一個「你是誰 」的聲明。
按照你的定義,當你打 死蚊子時,你是在殺死自己的一部分。
反過來說,你殺白蟻 沒關係這個事實是否意謂著殺人是沒關係的呢?

我說你們全是「一體」(all One) 的,但我並沒說你們全是「一樣」(all the same) 的。
Neale: Does that mean that I cannot swat a mosquito?
But if I am one with everything, am I not killing a part of myself when I swat the mosquito?
There are no cans or can nots here. There are no shoulds or shouldn’ts. You may do as you wish. Every decision is a statement of Who You Are.
Yet let us use your definitions for the moment, for the purposes of this discussion. Yes, by your definition, you are killing a part of yourself when you swat the mosquito. You are doing the same thing when you cut down a tree. Or pick a flower. Or slaughter a cow and eat it.
Does the fact that you don't kill people mean that you don't kill termites
Conversely, does the fact that you kill termites mean that it is okay to kill people?
I have said you are all One, but I have not said you are all the same.
Is your hair the same as your heart?
Because you cut your hair off, does that mean you will cut your heart out
Do you? Do you, really? Because many human beings act as if they don't. They treat everyone and everything as if it were the same. They treat human life as if it were worth nothing more than the life of a mosquito. A termite. If they see that it is okay to cut their hair off, they cut their heart out. They bite their nose to spite their face.
Neale: Not many people act like that.
I tell you this: every one of you has acted like that, in one way or another. Every one of you has acted indiscriminately, treating one thing as if it were the same as another—even treating one person as if he or she were another.