與神對話系列之一的書名所稱的「與神合一」,較正確地說是一種與神交往融洽的一體狀態(communion with God)。以下這篇是神對此狀態的解說,值得每個人參閱並牢記在心。因為這狀態是真實的。因為每個人都是身心靈三面向的生命,我們的超意識和超覺意識始終都存在並隨時向我們開放——只要我們不偏離靈性(spirituality)的本質(參閱本篇下面的「相關文章」)。
這種融洽的一體狀態經常被許多人經驗到或短暫觸及到。iGOD.tw網站和「與神對話生活智慧」Facebook的創立和運作都是這經驗的明顯例子。但只有當我們處在一種較高意識 (或連結自己的 higher mind) 的狀態時,才有可能觸及或進入此狀態。

在與神交往融洽的一體狀態裡,你會暫時失去所有的個別身分感。然而,這並不會引發任何的失落感,因為你會知道你只不過是實現了你的真實身分 (your true identity),也就是說,你已經真實化了(real-ized)它。你已非常實在地讓它成真了 (made it real)。

然後你就會在那至高 (the Most High) 的神聖地方。你會感到高亢(feel high),並且珍視你自己(think highly of yourself)以及其他每個人、每個生命。

In a state of communion with God you will temporarily lose all sense of individual identity. Yet this will occur without any sense of loss, for you will know that you have simply realized your true identity. That is, you have real-ized it. You have, quite literally, made it real.
An indescribable bliss, an elegant ecstasy, will envelop you. You will feel merged with love, one with all. And you will never be satisfied with anything less.
People who have had this experience return to the world and their lives in a new way. They find themselves falling in love with everyone on sight. They experience Oneness with all others in surprising moments of Holy Communion.
A heightened awareness and deep appreciation of nature can bring them to unexpected tears of joy at the slightest provocation. And a new clarity about everything they are seeing in the world around them can render them transformed. They often begin moving more slowly, talking more softly, acting more gently.
These and other changes may last for several hours or several days, several months or several years—or for a lifetime. The length of the experience is purely the individual’s choice. It will fade of its own accord if it is not renewed, just as the brightness of a light fades the farther one moves away from it, the bliss of Oneness fades the longer one has been away.
To stay in the light, one must remain close to it. To stay in the bliss, one must do the same.
That is why you are urged, while living with your present Illusion, to do whatever else it takes—meditate, exercise, pray, read, write, listen to music, whatever you find that works—to ignite your awareness daily.
Then you will be in the holy place of the Most High. And you will feel high, and think highly of yourself, and of others, and of all of Life.
Then, too, you will create and contribute to Life as you have never contributed before.