
別「尋找」人生的意義,或任何特定事件、發生的事或境況的意義。要「給它」它的意義。然後宣佈和宣告、表達和體驗、實現和變成在你與它的關係中你選擇是誰 (Who You Choose to Be in relationship to it) 。

這即走向大師之道的旅途。 (This is the journey to mastery.)
So when a particular thing happens to you, don't ask yourself why it is happening. Choose why it is happening. Decide why it is happening.
By rendering life meaningless, I give you the opportunity to decide what anything and everything means. Out of your decisions will you define yourself in relationship to anything and everything in life.
This is, in fact, the means by which you experience Who You Choose to Be.
If you can't choose or decide with intention, then make it all up. You are anyway You are making up all the reasons for doing things, or for why things are happening the way they are. Yet most of the time you are doing this unconsciously. Now make up your mind (and your life) consciously!
Do not search for life's meaning, or the meaning of any particular event, occurrence, or circumstance. Give it its meaning. Then announce and declare, express and experience, fulfill and become Who You Choose to Be in relationship to it.
If you are a keen observer, you will notice that you keep bringing yourself the same situation or circumstance over and over again in your life until you re-create yourself anew.
This is the journey to mastery.