此篇中神提醒我們:「你們必須學會生活在矛盾中(learn to live within contradictions)」。其意思是,我們將開始面對越來越多「因長年歷代視為真相或理所當然,而難以接受」之事件和新觀念的衝擊,那是「人類演化必定會面臨」的新實相。而這些轉化過程中必將呈現的新實相所帶給人們的衝擊——其帶來的震驚和頓時失去方向——都是讓我們可以從舊的實相中解鎖(unlock form previous reality),打開一扇扇的門,看見一條條邁入「地球新紀元」之美好世界的最佳途徑。
神接著說,而你們必須了解這最偉大的真相:沒有任何必須做的事(the greatest truth is: Nothing Matters)。意思是,生命中的一切都是中性的,天生都不具有任何意義,是我們給了它意思和意義以便我們能在這情境場中體驗和創造「更高版本的自己」是誰、是什麼,以經由這體驗過程來認識「真正的自己」是誰、是什麼.....。在《與神對話III》這句「沒有任何必須做的事」的後面還有另一句最偉大的真相:沒有任何必須做的事,一切的重點在being。(There is nothing to do but to BE. 意思是:Being才是創造出一切物質和經驗的源頭。「做」只是隨著「being狀態」而產生出來的後果之一。)

會不會有是你們決定。記住,你們現在正在選擇你們的實相。(You decide. Remember, you are choosing your reality now.)
那它就不會發生。除非它發生。(Then it will not happen. Unless it does.)
沒錯。你們必須學會生活在矛盾中。而你們必須了解這最偉大的真相:沒有任何必須做的事。(You must learn to live within the contradiction. And you must understand the greatest truth: Nothing Matters. 註:從物理的角度nothing matter也可以說:宇宙中沒有任何東西原本就是物質的。一切都是同一能量,以不同方式凝聚、壓縮為不同形相與不同物質。)
尼爾:我們可以還不離開這話題嗎?我還想再談一些別的事情……例如,從外太空來的生物(being from outer space),真有這種事情嗎?
事實上,我們在第三部中也會談論這話題。你想知道在宇宙中的其他地方,有沒有「有智慧的生物」(intelligent life)?
有些更原始,有些較不原始。而有些則遠比你們更先進(far more advanced)。
來探察。在一些地方上,來溫和地提供幫助。(To inquire. In some cases to gently assist.)

...人類十億年的演化歷程,卻在最近這七十五年至一百年間,發生了如此巨大的「理解力爆炸」("comprehension explosion"),你不覺得奇怪嗎?
摘自《與神對話 II》第19章

Neale: So—will there be the kind of major, Earth-wide calamity You speak of?
I don't know. Will there?
You decide. Remember, you are choosing your reality now.
Neale: I choose for it not to happen.
Then it will not happen. Unless it does.
Neale: Here we go again.
Yes. You must learn to live within the contradiction. And you must understand the greatest truth: Nothing Matters.
Neale: Nothing matters?
I'll explain that in Book 3.
Neale: Well… okay, but I don't like to have to wait on these things.
There is so much here for you to absorb already. Give yourself some time. Give yourself some space.
Neale: Can we not leave yet? I sense You are leaving. You always start talking like that when You are getting ready to leave. I'd like to talk about a few other things… such as, for instance, beings from outer space—are there such things?
Actually, we were going to cover that, too, in Book 3.
Neale: Oh, come on, give me a glimpse, a peek.
You want to know if there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe?
Neale: Yes. Of course.Is it as primitive as ours?
Some of the life forms are more primitive, some less so. And some are far more advanced.
Neale: Have we been visited by such extraterrestrial beings?
Yes. Many times.
Neale: For what purpose?
To inquire. In some cases to gently assist.
Neale: How do they assist?
Oh, they give a boost now and then. For instance, surely you're aware that you've made more technological progress in the past 75 years than in all of human history before that.
You don't find it strange that in this billion-year process of evolution, somewhere around 75 to 100 years ago there was a huge "comprehension explosion"?