
瀏覽人數 1624
整個社區(The whole community.)。特別是社區中年長的人
在這對話後面我們探索和討論高度演化生命(highly evolved beings)時,我們會再談整個關於人類「所有權(ownership)問題。但現在,先讓我們思考一下這個問題:是否有人在生理上能生小孩時,就真的已在情緒上準備好可撫養小孩?(Is anyone really emotionally ready to raise children at the time they are physically ready to have them?)
而你們會一直找尋,一直實驗,一直發現,一直失敗,形成又再形成「你們的真(your truth 你們認為的真理)和你們對自己的看法」,直到你們在這星球上有半個世紀,或近半個世紀的體驗。
然後,你們才終於開始在自己的真相中安定下來,並妥協於你的真相(begin at last to settle down, and settle in, with your truth)。而你們每個人所承認的最大真理,可能就是「根本沒有恆常不變的真相」;真相,像生命一樣,是個一直在改變的的東西,是個一直在成長、在演化的東西——並在你剛認為演化的過程已停止時,它卻沒有,而它真的才剛開始。
Then, when they finally realize they've been duped—that sexuality is supposed to be a wonderful, honorable, glorious part of the human experience—they become angry with others: parents, for repressing them, religion for shaming them, members of the opposite sex for daring them, the whole society for controlling them.
Finally, they become angry with themselves, for allowing all of this to inhibit them.
Much of this repressed anger has been channeled into the construction of distorted and misguided moral values in the society in which you now live—a society which glorifies and honors, with monuments, statues, and commemorative stamps, films, pictures, and TV programs, some of the world's ugliest acts of violence, but hides— or worse yet, cheapens—some of the world's most beautiful acts of love.
And all of this—all of this—has emerged from a single thought: that those who bear children, bear also the sole responsibility for raising them.
Neale: But if the people who have children aren't responsible for raising them, who is?
The whole community. With special emphasis on the elders.
Neale: The elders?
In most advanced races and societies, elders raise the offspring, nurture the offspring, train the offspring, and pass on to the offspring the wisdom, teachings,  and traditions of their kind. Later, when we talk about some of these advanced civilizations, I'll touch on this again.
In any society where producing offspring at a young age is not considered "wrong"— because the tribal elders raise them and there is, therefore, no sense of overwhelming responsibility and burden—sexual repression is unheard of, and so is rape, deviance, and social-sexual dysfunction.
Neale: Are there such societies on our planet?
Yes, although they have been disappearing. You have sought to eradicate them, assimilate them, because you have thought them to be barbarian. In what you have called your nonbarbarian societies, children (and wives, and husbands, for that matter) are thought of as property, as personal possessions, and child- bearers  must therefore become child-raisers, because they must take care of what they "own."
A root thought at the bottom of many of your society's problems is this idea that spouses and children are personal possessions, that they are "yours."
We'll examine this whole subject of "ownership" later, when we explore and discuss life among highly evolved beings. But for now, just think about this for a minute. Is anyone really emotionally ready to raise children at the time they're physically ready to have them?
The truth is, most humans are not equipped to raise children even in their 30s and 40s—and shouldn't be expected to be. They really haven't lived enough as adults to pass deep wisdom to their children.
Neale: I've heard that thought before. Mark Twain had a take on this. He was said to have commented, "When I was 19, my father knew nothing. But when I was 35, I was amazed at how much the Old Man had learned."
He captured it perfectly.
Your younger years were never meant to be for truth- teaching, but for truth-gathering. How can you teach children a truth you haven't yet gathered?
You can't, of course. So you'll wind up telling them the only truth you know—the  truth of others. Your father's, your mother's, your culture's, your religion's.
Anything, everything, but your own truth. You are still searching for that.
And you will be searching, and experimenting, and finding, and failing, and forming and reforming your truth, your idea about yourself, until you are half a century on this planet, or near to it.Then, you may begin at last to settle down, and settle in, with your truth.
And probably the biggest truth on which you'll agree is that there is no constant truth at  all; that truth, like life itself, is a changing thing, a growing thing, an evolving thing— and that just when you think that process of evolution has stopped, it has not, but only really just begun.


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6. 認識「高度演化生命(HEB)」與其社會的運作
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