
在宇宙中其他維度的高度演化生命的文化中,沒有像「犯罪和懲罰」這樣的東西(There is no such thing as “crime and punishment” in the culture of Highly Evolved Beings from the Other Dimension.)。
因此,並不需要你們所謂的「正義」的東西。所謂「正義」的概念是被更深入地理解為你們所謂的「適當的正確行動」(The concept of “justice” is more deeply understood as what you would call Right Action.)。

我告訴你:雨水落在公正和不公正的地方是相同的(the rain falls on the just and the unjust alike)。
尼爾:但是耶和華說「復仇在我」( “Vengeance is mine”註:聖經中常譯為「伸冤在我」)又怎麼解釋呢?
我從沒有說過那樣的話。你們之中的一個人捏造出那句話,而其餘的人相信了。(I never said that. One of you made that up, and the rest of you believed it.)

「正義」不是「你以某種方式行事後所經驗到」的後果反應,而是一種「因為你以某種方式去做」的自發行動, (“Justice” is not something you experience after you act a certain way, but because you act a certain way)。
正義是一種行動,不是「對某行為的懲罰」而做出的作為 (Justice is an act, not punishment for an act.)。一個覺醒的物種會了解這一點。
一語道破!你已準確地把榔頭打在釘子頭上了!正義是一種(自然且主動採取的)行動,不是一種(因經驗到或被迫才做出的)反應(Justice is an action, not a reaction.)。

摘自《與神對話 4》第18章

There is no such thing as "crime and punishment" in the culture of Highly Evolved Beings from the Other Dimension.
No one commits a "crime", because everyone understands that they are All One, and that an offence against another entity is an offence against the Self.
So there is no need for what you call "justice". The concept of "justice" is more deeply understood as what you would call Right Action.
Neale: In human society there is crime, of course. And justice is not always done in every case when a crime is committed. But the majority in our society at least tell themselves they can have the comfort of knowing that there will be justice in the hereafter. Judgement and everlasting punishment!
You're going to have to make up your mind here. Do you want an unconditionally loving God, or a judging, condemning, punishing God.
Neale: I know, I know. It's all very confusing. We're all very . . . complex. We don't want your judgements, but we do. We don't want your punishments, yet we feel lost without them. And when you say, as you've done consistently in every conversation we've ever had, "I will never punish you," we cannot believe that – and some of us almost become angry about it. Because if you're not going to judge and punish us, what will keep us walking the straight and narrow? And if there's no "justice" in heaven, who will undo all the injustice on Earth?
Why are you counting on heaven to correct what you call "injustice"? Does not the refreshing, cleansing rain fall from the heavens?
Neale: Yes.
And I tell you this: the rain falls on the just and the unjust alike.
Neale: But what about, "Vengeance is mine," sayeth the Lord?
I never said that. One of you made that up, and the rest of you believed it.
"Justice" is not something you experience after you act a certain way, but because you act a certain way.
Justice is an act, not punishment for an act. An awakened species understands this.
Neale: I see that the problem with our society is that we seek "justice" after an "injustice" has occurred, rather than "doing justice" in every single case, through the choices and actions of every single human being, in the first place.
Right on the head! You've hit the nail right on the head! Justice is an action, not a reaction.