2017年將在台灣翻譯出版的《與神對話 4:喚醒人類》有非常清楚的精彩解說。以下是其中的摘錄:

尼爾:...現在我明白為什麼「來自另一維度的高度演化生命」不會允許我們被任何物質領域的其他生命攻擊毀滅。對於一個「其成員主要以物質生活在經驗自己」的文明,高度演化生命們永遠按照該文明的「集體超意識的意願」在行事(HEBs always act in accordance with the Collective Superconscious Will of the civilizations )。
尼爾:但是(你剛才說),人類集體超意識的意願(Collective Superconscious Will of humanity)是不會被毀滅的,不是嗎?

就一個集體而言(as a Collective)人類無法也不會受到威脅。它將永遠存在,因為那是「人類的超意識的集體意願」要這樣做的。因此,問題不在於這稱為「人類」的集體是否存在,而是如何存在。人類的生活的品質(the quality of the life)會是如何?
摘自《與神對話 4》第23 & 24章

Neale: Now I understand why Highly Evolved Beings from the Other Dimension will not allow us to be destroyed by any attack from other beings in the Realm of the Physical. HEBs always act in accordance with the Collective Superconscious Will of the civilizations whose members experience themselves as primarily physical beings.
That is correct. You do now understand.
Neale: And so we're protected on Earth from the violence of an interstellar species.
You are safe from all but one.
Neale: Oh my gosh, which one?
Earthlings. You are not yet safe from yourself.
Neale: That was clever. That was very clever.
I wasn't being clever. I was being accurate.
Neale: But is it not the Collective Superconscious Will of humanity not to be destroyed?
It is.
Neale: Then how can humanity be a threat to itself?
Humanity cannot and will not be threatened as a Collective.
It will always exist, because it is the Superconscious Collective Will of humanity to do so. The question is not whether the Collective called "humanity" will exist, but how it will exist. What shall be the quality of the life of human beings?
You are deciding that now – right now – on your planet. Much will depend on whether the largest number of you awaken.
Those of you who self-identify as having accepted the Third Invitation can and will play a major role in the outcome that is produced on your planet.