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有一種實用的方法可以消除暴力:只要脫離人類目前對於「分離觀念的深信(move away from humanity’s present deep belief in Separation)
尼爾:啊,是的,你這一點醒,我立刻「懂了」。而我不必從另一個領域的高度進化生命(HEBs from another realm)那裡得到幫助來做到消除暴力。我所要做的只是看看我周圍的世界。
我觀察到,現在大多數相信神的人——迄今為止這是我們星球上最大數量的人——仍然擁抱一種分離神學(Separation Theology)。他們看待神的方式是:人類是在「這裡」,而神是在「那裡」。
如果它只在那裡開始和結束,這並沒有關係,但是分離神學的問題在於,它產生一種分離宇宙學(Separation Cosmology) ——那是一種觀察所有生命的方式,說所有的東西與其他東西彼此都是分開的。
如果這只是一個觀點,還不會那麼糟糕,但問題是:分離宇宙學產生出一種分離心理學(Separation Psychology)——那是一種心理觀點,認為我是「在這裡」,而其他所有人都是「在那裡」。
這也是我們可以容忍接受的東西,如果所有的只是這樣,但問題在於:分離心理學產生出一種分離社會學(Separation Sociology)——那是一種相互交流的方式,鼓勵人類社會中的每個人都以分離的獨立個體,為自己的利益服務。
現在我們已經進入真正危險的領域了,因為,分離社會學不可避免地產生了分離病理學(Separation Pathology)——個人和集體埋頭於自我毀滅的病理行為,並以我們自己的雙手產生苦難、衝突、暴力和死亡——在整個人類歷史上,在我們這星球的任何地方,已經證實了這一點。
對我來說,似乎只有當我們的分離神學被「一體神學」(Oneness Theology)取代時,我們的病理就會癒合。一體神學將認識到:我們與神有所區別,但是並沒有與神分離(we have been differentiated from God, but not separated from God),正如我們手掌上的手指是有區別,但彼此並沒有分離,而是由手本身和手部連接到整個身體——正如我們有區別,但不是分離,是由神的身體(the body of God)的一部分相連著。
摘自《與神對話 4》第12章
Neale: Non-violence is a striking contrast between Highly Evolved Beings and humans… However, be a more "practical" means of reducing or even eliminating violence from the human experience?
Neale: We've tried for several millennia to convince members of our species that their life is eternal. Even with this idea having been accepted by many, it doesn't seem to have reduced violence in any significant way.
There is a practical way to eliminate violence. Simply move away from humanity's present deep belief in Separation.
Neale: Ah, yes, this I "get" immediately. And I don't have to be helped by Highly Evolved Beings from another realm to do so. All I have to do is look around me.
Neale: I observe that right now most people who believe in God – and that is by far the largest number of people on our planet – still embrace a Separation Theology. Their way of looking at God is that humans are "over here" and God is "over there".
Neale: This would not matter if it began and ended there, but the problem with a Separation Theology is that it produces a Separation Cosmology – that is, a way of looking at all of Life which says that everything is separate from everything else.
Neale: This wouldn't be so bad if it was just a point of view, but the problem is that a Separation Cosmology produces a Separation Psychology – that is, a psychological viewpoint which says that I am "over here" and everyone else is "over there".
Neale: This would also be something we could live with if that was all there was to it, but the problem is that a Separation Psychology produces a Separation Sociology – that is, a way of socializing with each other which encourages everyone within human society to act as separate entities serving their own separate interests.
Neale: Now we've entered into truly dangerous territory, because a Separation Sociology inevitably produces a Separation Pathology – pathological behaviors of self-destruction, engaged in individually and collectively, and producing suffering, conflict, violence and death by our own hands – evidenced everywhere on our planet throughout human history.
Neale: To me it seems that only when our Separation Theology is replaced by a Oneness Theology will our pathology be healed.
A Oneness Theology would recognize that we have been differentiated from God, but not separated from God, even as the fingers on our hand are differentiated but not separated from each other, but connected by the hand itself, and by the hand to the entire body – even as we are differentiated but not separated, connected by being parts of the body of God.
You have put this all perfectly. This is shared with great clarity.


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