HEBs don't assert that their way of living is "right" for humans. They simply offer you the opportunity to decide for yourself. This is their way of helping you, even as you may seek to help others to awaken.
So it may be of benefit to take a look at these ideas, see if or where you may find a contrast with human behaviors, and decide if you choose to try some new ways of being human.
Neale: I agree. And I already know there will be contrasts ... so tell me what the biggest difference is. I mean, let's cut to the chase here.
The most striking and significant difference is that Highly Evolved Beings are utterly and completely, absolutely and entirely without violence of any kind.
They do not engage in physical violence, they do not project verbal violence, they do not even momentarily entertain violence in their thoughts.
They do not call violence "self-defence", they do not call it "entertainment", and they certainly do not call it "sport".
They simply cannot justify or support the inflicting of physical or emotional pain – not even the slightest discomfort – on any other entity.
Neale: Is there a formula by which they have been able to achieve this? What do they know that we don't know that opens the way for them to be like that?
All violence has disappeared from their culture because all anger has disappeared from their reality.
Neale: And that is because...?
It is because they live in the knowing that they have nothing to lose by being good and kind and caring and compassionate and unselfish and giving and accepting and unconditionally loving in every instant of every moment of every circumstance or situation.
They know that they cannot lose their life for any reason or in any way, nor can they lose anything else of value to them, because nothing else is of value to them other than life itself, their very existence – which they understand is what provides them with the opportunity for the only experience they desire.
Neale: Which is?
The experience of their Divinity.