
當你使自己相信它時,你便經驗它! (When you make yourself believe it, you experience it!)
許多人都說「看見才會相信」("seeing is believing")。我要告訴你們的是「相信才會看見」("believing is seeing")。
你相信什麽,你便開始在你的實相裡看見什麽。 (What you believe, you begin to see in your reality.)
所有已發生過的一切,所有已被發明或製造或完成的一切,都是從一個「在某個人腦海中的思維」開始的。然後,它變成被說出的話語。最後,它變成被採取的行動。這是創造的三個工具(the three Tools of Creation),並沒有其他的東西。

以下是人生最大的秘密:我給了你們工具,以創造你們夢想的實相。我並不選擇誰做什麽,誰得到什麽,以及誰能當什麽。是你們在決定。 (I have given you tools with which to create the reality of your dreams. I do not choose who does what, who gets what, and who gets to be what. You do.)

所以說,你必須去思考「你選擇在你的人生裡創造什麽」。並且正向地思考它。不要想:「哦,我永遠做不到那個。我永遠無法成為 (be) 那個。」,因爲那會變成你的實相。
摘自《與神對話 青春版》第7章
And when you make yourself believe it, you experience it!
Many people have said that "seeing is believing." What I am telling you is that "believing is seeing."
What you believe, you begin to see in your reality.
Neale: Why? Why does that work?
Because thoughts, words, and actions are energies. They move and create other energies. They set things into motion.
Everything that has ever happened, every- thing that has ever been invented or produced or accomplished, began as a thought in someone's mind. Then it became words that were spoken. Finally, it became actions that were taken. These are the three Tools of Creation, and there are no others.
Here is the greatest secret of life: I have given you tools with which to create the reality of your dreams. I do not choose who does what, who gets what, and who gets to be what. You do.
Neale: Is it really that simple? I mean, really?
There is no mystery to it at all. I have just laid it all out for you.
So what you choose to create in your life you must think about. And think about it positively. Do not think, "Oh, I could never do that. I could never be that," because that will become your reality.
What you choose to create in your life you must talk about. And talk about it positively. Do not say, "I'm not sure," or "maybe," or "wouldn't it be great IF . . . ?" Rather, say . . . "It will be great WHEN . . . !"
And what you choose to create in your life you must act on. And act on it positively.
Do not fail to act, but positively be it!