
瀏覽人數 12518
關係是神聖的,因為關係提供了人生最大的機會——的確,它是唯一的機會——去創造產生你們較高的自己」之最高觀念的經驗(to create and produce the experience of your highest conceptualization of Self)。而當你們將關係視為去創造及產生你們別人」之最高觀念的經驗時,關係便會失敗。
讓在關係裡的人別去擔心別人(other),卻僅僅、僅僅、只要擔心和掛念自己較高的自己(Self)(註:字首大寫的 Self 在與神對話信息中的意思是指「真正的自己」、「較高的自己」或許多心靈教導和通靈信息所稱的「高我」、「本我」,或「higher mind 較高心智」。不是指頭腦當家的「physical mind 物質心智」。)
這聽起來似乎是個奇怪的說法,因為你們所聽說過的是:在最高層次的關係裡,一個人要掛念的只是別人。然而,我告訴你們:你們把焦點集中在別人身上——你對別人的癡迷糾纏——才是造成關係失敗的原因(your focus upon the other---your obsession with the other---is what causes relationships to fail)
大師(Master)明白「別人being什麼、在做什麼、有什麼、說什麼、需要什麼、要求什麼」都沒有關係。別人在想什麼、期待什麼、計畫什麼也沒有關係。唯一有關係(重要)的是,在你與那些的關係中,你being(是、處於、散發著)什麼(It only matters what you are bing in relationship to that.)
最具有的人是那「以較高自我為中心」的人(The most loving person is the person who is Self-centered.)
摘自《與神對話 I》第8章
The problem is so basic, so simple, and yet so tragically misunderstood: your grandest dream, your highest idea, and your fondest hope has had to do with your beloved other rather than your beloved Self. The test of your relationships has had to do with how well the other lived up to your ideas, and how well you saw yourself living up to his or hers. Yet the only true test has to do with how well you live up to yours.
Relationships are sacred because they provide life's grandest opportunity—indeed, its only opportunity—to create and produce the experience of your highest conceptualization of Self. Relationships fail when you see them as life's grandest opportunity to create and produce the experience of your highest conceptualization of another.
Let each person in relationship worry about Self—what Self is being, doing, and having; what Self is wanting, asking, giving; what Self is seeking, creating, experiencing, and all relationships would magnificently serve their purpose—and their participants!
Let each person in relationship worry not about the other, but only, only, only about Self.
This seems a strange teaching, for you have been told that in the highest form of relationship, one worries only about the other. Yet I tell you this: your focus upon the other—your obsession with the other—is what causes relationships to fail.
What is the other being? What is the other doing? What is the other having? What is the other saying? Wanting? Demanding? What is the other thinking? Expecting? Planning?
The Master understands that it doesn't matter what the other is being, doing, having, saying, wanting, demanding. It doesn't matter what the other is thinking, expecting, planning. It only matters what you are being in relationship to that.
The most loving person is the person who is Self-centered.


8.「關係 Relationships」與「相關性 Relevance」
大師(Master)明白別人在做什麼、有什麼、說什麼、要求什麼、想什麼、期待什麼、計畫什麼都沒關係。唯一有關係(重要)的是,在你與那些的關係中,你(是、處於、散發著)什麼(It... 更多
8.「關係 Relationships」與「相關性 Relevance」
尼爾:對於關係(relationships)我要學到什麼時候才有辦法讓它們在我的生活中順利運作?到底有沒有一種「... 更多
8.「關係 Relationships」與「相關性 Relevance」
關係的目的是,決定你喜歡看到你自己的哪個部分「展現出來」,而非你可以捕獲且保留 別人的哪個部分。關係—— 就整個人生而言 —— 只會有一個目的:去成為並且去決定你真正是誰(to be and to... 更多
直到你結束你人生內在的寂寞,你永遠不會結束你生活中的孤獨感。如果你內心感到孤單、如果你內心覺得不完整,你會終其一生在你自己的外面尋覓,試圖找到那無法找到的東西。即使一再經驗這樣的戲碼,... 更多
8.「關係 Relationships」與「相關性 Relevance」
在你體驗「你是誰」的過程裡,當你差不多要做出巨大的突破時,生命會將你放置在「爛選擇」的點上。(Life places you at the point of "rotten... 更多
尼爾:「過去」跟「未來」有什麼關係?當你們了解有關你們的「過去」,你們就能更了解有關你們的「未來」。你來問我如何讓你們的生活過得更好。當你們了解「... 更多
我在第一部中所說的沒有錯:在人類的關係中,人們的最大錯誤是在乎別人要什麼、處於什麼、做什麼或有什麼。... 更多
12.「小我、大我、較高心智 Higher Mind」
尼爾:到底有「自我」(ego)是好,還是不好呢?這是一個大哉問!你們進入相對性的世界——我所謂的「相對領域」(the Realm of the... 更多