因為他們不相信人類可以達到一種平衡。他們認為,性的能量以及圍繞著其他世俗經驗的能量太強大了,無法被有節制地帶入平衡的生活中。他們以為禁欲是唯一的靈性(spiritual 精神) 進化之道,而非只是靈性進化可能的結果之一。
尼爾:然而是否有些高度進化了的生命們(highly evolved beings) 已經「放棄了」性?
當你以此原因放下你對性的牽涉,你可以這樣做看看。不過,你也可以不想要如此。你可以永不認為你已經“有足夠的”並永遠想要這種經驗來和你其他的經驗維持你所處(your Beingness)的平衡。

這是 OK 的。這是沒問題的。性方面活躍的人,並不比性方面不活躍的人較沒資格開悟,也非較不靈性進化。
開悟和靈性進化真正導致你們放下的,是你們對性的耽溺 (addiction to sex)。
Neale: Then why do so many teachers espouse complete abstinence from sex?
Because they do not believe that humans can achieve a balance. They believe the sexual energy—and the energies surrounding other worldly experiences—is too powerful to simply moderate; to bring into balance. They believe abstinence is the only way to spiritual evolution, rather than merely one possible result of it.
Neale: Yet isn't it true that some beings who are highly evolved have "given up sex"?
Not in the classic sense of the words "to give up." It is not a forced letting go of something you still want but know is "no good to have." It's more of a simple releasing, a movement away from—as one pushes one-self away from the second helping of dessert. Not because the dessert is no good. Not even because it's no good for you. But simply because, wonderful as it was, you've had enough.
When you can drop your involvement with sex for that reason, you may want to do so. Then again, you may not. You may never decide that you've "had enough" and may always want this experience, in balance with the other experiences of your Beingness.
That's okay. That's all right. The sexually active are no less qualified for enlightenment, no less spiritually evolved, than the sexually inactive.
What enlightenment and evolution do cause you to drop is your addiction to sex.