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真正的法則是「自然法則」(Natural Law),它無法說明也無需解釋或教導。它是可以被觀察出的(observable)。


你們(人類還是一個「所了解在乎的只是強權」之非常原始的物種(a very primitive race)。在你們的星球上沒有真正的法則(律法。真正的法則是「自然法則」(True Law is Natural Law)——無法說明,也無需解釋或教導。它是可以被觀察出(It is observable.)
真正的法則(律法是人人無拘無束地同意被它統禦的法則,因為眾人本就自然地被它統禦。因此,與其說是一種他們的同意,不如說是一種「那本是如此共同認知(a mutual recognition of what is So)
這樣的法律是一種不必強制執行的法律。因為它們本就已經被執行了——以那「無法否認的後果」之簡單妙法執行了(by the simple expedient of undeniable consequence)
讓我舉個例子。(宇宙中)高度演化生命們(highly evolved beings)不會用錘子敲他們自己的頭,因為那會痛。同樣道理,他們也不會用錘子敲別人的頭。
那尚未進化的生物——原始生物——也觀察到相同的情況。只是他們不在乎(simply don't care)
你看出(明白)了嗎,真相truth 真理)——就像自然法則——是可觀察得到的(observable)
不是自然法則的,就不是觀察得到的(not observable),因而,對你們來說,才必須被解釋。「為什麼是為你們好」的事,必須有人來告訴你們說服你們)。必須有人來向你們展示。這解釋不是自然法則的——不是觀察得到的——東西對你們有好處)並不是一件容易做到的事,因為如果一件事情是對你們有好處的,它會是不證自明的。(Because if a thing is for your own good, it is self-evident.)
也發明了神職人員(clergy 傳教士
摘自《與神對話 II》第19章
Yours is a very primitive race, where strength is all you understand. There is no true law on your planet True Law is Natural Law—inexplicable and not needed to be explained or taught. It is observable.
True law is that law by which the people freely agree to be governed because they are governed by it, naturally. Their agreement is therefore not so much an agreement as it is a mutual recognition of what is So.
Those laws don't have to be enforced. They already are enforced, by the simple expedient of undeniable consequence.
Let Me give you an example. Highly evolved beings do not hit themselves on the head with a hammer, because it hurts. They also don't hit anyone else on the head with a hammer, for the same reason.
Evolved beings have noticed that if you hit someone else with a hammer, that person gets hurt. If you keep doing it, that person gets angry. If you keep getting him angry, he finds a hammer of his own and eventually hits you back. Evolved beings therefore know that if you hit someone else with a hammer, you are hitting yourself with a hammer. It makes no difference if you have more hammers, or a bigger hammer. Sooner or later you're going to get hurt.
This result is observable.
Now non-evolved beings—primitive beings—observe the same thing. They simply don't care.
Evolved beings are not willing to play "The One With The Biggest Hammer Wins." Primitive beings play nothing else.
Incidentally, this is largely a male game. Among your species, very few women are willing to play Hammers Hurt. They play a new game. They say, "If I had a hammer, I'd hammer out justice, I'd hammer out freedom, I'd hammer out love between my brothers and my sisters, all over this land.”
Neale: Are you saying women are more evolved than men?
I'm making no judgment one way or the other on that. I simply observe.
You see, truth—like natural law—is observable.
Now, any law that is not natural law is not observable, and so has to be explained to you. You have to be told why it's for your own good. It has to be shown to you. This is not an easy task because if a thing is for your own good, it is self- evident.
Only that which is not self-evident has to be explained to you.
It takes a very unusual and determined person to convince people of something which is not self-evident. For this purpose you have invented politicians.
And clergy.


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6. 認識「高度演化生命(HEB)」與其社會的運作
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