我再說一次,你們星球上所需要的是一種「大規模的意識提升轉變」(a massive shift in consciousness)。一種「覺知」上的改變。一種對一切生命的重新尊重,以及一種對「內在與外在一切的相互關連性」的深刻了解。
如我之前已對你們解說過的,我的決定自始就是:給你們自由去創造你們的生活,而藉此,以你們想要的方式,成為你們的真正的自己(Self 本我)。如果我告訴你們去創造什麼、如何去創造,然後又要求、迫使或導致你們去那樣做,則你們無從知曉你自己是創造者(know your Self as the Creator)。而如果我那樣做,則失去我的目的(If I do that, My purpose is lost.)。

......我說的是:你們星球上「有錢人」和「沒錢人」永遠都在競爭對抗,並且一直在流行傳染。只要這世界的主流是經濟利益(economic interests)而不是人道利益(humanitarian interests),只要人類最關注的是人的肉體,而不是人的靈魂,這樣的情況就會一直持續下去。
你們的社會是一個「鴕鳥心態」的社會。(Yours is a society of ostriches.)
摘自《與神對話 II》第19章

And in this book I will tell your world that its economic, political, social, and religious systems are primitive. I observe that you have the collective arrogance to think they are the best. I see the largest number of you resisting any change or improvement which takes anything away from you—never mind who it might help.
I say again, what is needed on your planet is a massive shift in consciousness. A change in your awareness. A renewed respect for all of life, and a deepened understanding of the interrelatedness of everything.
Neale: Well, You're God. If You don't want things the way they are, why don't You change them?
As I have explained to you before, My decision from the beginning has been to give you the freedom to create your life—and hence, your Self—as you wish to be. You cannot know your Self as the Creator if I tell you what to create, how to create, and then force, require, or cause you to do so. If I do that, My purpose is lost.
…I am saying that the struggle between the "haves" and the "have-nots" has been going on forever and is epidemic on your planet. It will ever be thus so long as economic interests, rather than humanitarian interests, run the world— so long as man's body, and not man's soul, is man's highest concern.
Well, I continue to point out—though most of you do not want to see it or admit it—that your socioeconomic mechanism systematically discriminates against classes of people. You are not providing equal opportunity all the while you are loudly protesting that you are. You need to believe your fiction about this, though, in order to keep feeling good about yourself, and you generally resent anyone who shows you the truth. You will all deny the evidence even as it is being presented it to you.
Yours is a society of ostriches.