
瀏覽人數 7807
恐懼將是你們最大的敵人。除非你們以智慧清明看見這終極的真相(see the ultimate truth with wisdom and clarity),你們將不會也無法締造和擁有那你們一直在渴望和夢想的社會。
現在是你們取回你自己真實本貌的時候了(time to reclaim yourself)。現在已是再次看見「你真正是誰」的時候了,從而讓大家再次看見真正的你。因為當你和「你與神的真正關係」變得明顯可見(visible),則我們便不可分割(indivisible)。而再也沒有任何東西可以把我們分開。
雖然你會再次生活在「各自分開」的幻覺世界,以之做為「重新創造你真正自己(Self)」的工具,你將自此生生世世以開悟(enlightenment)而行,視幻覺為幻覺,以遊戲和歡悅的態度利用幻覺來體驗你想體驗的「我們是誰(Who We Are)」的任何層面,卻永遠不再視其為真相在接受。
你將永遠不再需要靠遺忘」的情境道具(device of forgetfulness)來重新創造你真正的自己(Self),卻只是為某一個理由、某一個目的,而有意識地運用「各自分開」的幻覺,而選擇顯化一切為各自分開的。
而當你們這樣地完全被開啟了(enlightened,或稱悟道、開悟)——也就是,再度充滿了光(light)——你們甚至會因為某個理由而選擇重返肉身生活,來喚醒他人。你們可以選擇重返這物質的人生,不是為了創造和體驗你們本我(Self)的任何新面向,卻只為了把真理之光帶到這幻相之地,以讓他人可以看到。那時你便是一個「荷光者」("bringer of the light",註:佛經也有「荷光如來」或「藥師琉璃光如來」之類的翻譯詞,意思是「帶著光來到世間的如來」。)。那時你便是這人類「大覺醒」(The Awakening)的一部分。有其他的人已經在這樣做了。
摘自《與神對話 II》第20章
Yet you will not have, cannot produce, the society for which you have always yearned and of which you have always dreamed unless and until you see with wisdom and clarity.
The ultimate truth: that what you do to others, you do to yourself; what you fail to do for others, you fail to do for yourself; that the pain of others is your pain, and the joy of others your joy, and that when you disclaim any part of it, you disclaim a part of yourself.
Now is the time to reclaim yourself. Now is the time to see yourself again as Who You Really Are, and thus render yourself visible again. For when you and your true relationship with God become visible, then We are indivisible. And nothing will ever divide Us again.
And although you will live again in the illusion of separation, using it as a tool to create your Self anew, you will henceforth move through your incarnations with enlightenment, seeing the illusion for what it is, using it playfully and joyfully to experience any aspect of Who We Are which it pleases you to experience, yet nevermore accepting it as reality.
You will nevermore have to use the device of forgetfulness in order to recreate your Self anew, but will use Separation knowingly, simply choosing to manifest as That Which Is Separate for a particular reason and a particular purpose.
And when you are thus totally enlightened—that is, once more filled with the light—you may even choose, as your particular reason for returning to physical life, the reminding of others. You may select to return to this physical life not to create and experience any new aspect of your Self, but to bring the light of truth to this place of illusion, that others may see. Then will you be a "bringer of the light". Then will you be part of The Awakening. There are others who have already done this.


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