但在你們的社會,你們卻堅持生孩子的人必須負責養育孩子——結果是,你們不但使得做父母的育兒工作十分艱困,也把許多環繞著性行為(sexual act)的能量給扭曲了。
當然,這種禁忌是年輕的後輩是幾乎不會理會的——而他們確實有個好理由:遵守這禁忌是完全不自然的(entirely unnatural)。
在感受到內在的訊息告訴他們已經準備好時,人類就會渴望配對結合與交配。這是人的天性(human nature)。
然而,他們對有關自己的天性的看法,卻和身為父母的你們怎麼告訴他們有很大的關係,這比他們內在的感覺還更有分量。因為你們的孩子仰賴你們來告訴他們,人生是怎麼回事(what life is all about)。
有關人性的這一部分,從觀察得知,在各方面許多父母所告訴他們孩子的,都是源自先前別人所告訴他們的、他們的宗教怎麼說的、他們的社會怎麼認為的一切——除了事物自然的天性狀況(the natural order of things)。
Child bearing was meant to be an activity of the young, whose bodies are well developed and strong. Child raising was meant to be an activity of the elders, whose minds are well developed and strong.
In your society you have insisted on making child- bearers responsible for child raising—with the result that you've made not only the process of parenting very difficult, but distorted many of the energies surrounding the sexual act as well as.
Neale: Uh ... could You explain?
Many humans have observed what I've observed here. Namely, that a good many humans—perhaps most—are not truly capable of raising children when they are capable of having them. However, having discovered this, humans have put in place exactly the wrong solution.
Rather than allow younger humans to enjoy sex, and if it produces children, have the elders raise them, you tell young humans not to engage in sex until they are ready to take on the responsibility of raising children. You have made it "wrong" for them to have sexual experiences before that time, and thus have created a taboo around what was intended to be one of life's most joyful celebrations.
Of course, this is a taboo to which offspring will pay little attention—and for good reason: it is entirely unnatural to obey it.
Human beings desire to couple and copulate as soon as they feel the inner signal which says they are ready. This is human nature.
Yet their thought about their own nature will have more to do with what you, as parents, have told them than about what they are feeling inside. Your children look to you to tell them what life is all about.
So when they have their first urges to peek at each other, to play innocently with each other, to explore each other's "differences," they will look to you for signals about this. Is this part of their human nature "good"? Is it "bad"? Is it approved of? Is it to be stifled? Held back? Discouraged?
It is observed that what many parents have told their offspring about this part of their human nature has had its origin in all manner of things: what they were told; what their religion says; what their society thinks—everything except the natural order of things.
In the natural order of your species, sexuality is budding at anywhere from age 9 to age 14. From age 15 onward it is very much present and expressing in most human beings. Thus begins a race against time—with children stampeding toward the fullest release of their own joyful sexual energy, and parents stampeding to stop them.
Parents have needed all the assistance and all the alliances they could find in this struggle, since, as has been noted, they are asking their offspring to not do something that is every bit a part of their nature.
So adults have invented all manner of familial, cultural, religious, social, and economic pressures, restrictions, and limitations to justify their unnatural demands of their offspring. Children have thus grown to accept that their own sexuality is unnatural.How can anything that is "natural" be so shamed, so always-stopped, so controlled, held at bay, restrained, bridled, and denied?